Thursday, 2 August 2018

How does Static Electricity work?

WALHT  -write an explanation in the right order

Success Criteria
Self Assessment
Look at the first box in our plan
Read the keywords and look at the picture
Think about how I can make it into a sentence/es that make sense
Look at the next box and do the same
If it doesn't make sense leave it out

How does Static Electricity work?

Have you ever seen static electricity make things stick to walls?
This writing is going to tell you how static electricity works.
Static electricity is when an object has more negative charge
than positive this makes a balloon stick to a wall.Positive and
negative attract.Both are in tiny particles.When you rub a
balloon on a wooly coat the positive particles that have the same
amount of  the balloon takes the negative in the coat.Each object
has the same amount until you rub the balloon then positive and
negative become unbalanced.Then it falls onto the floor if you
rubbed the balloon on the wooly coat even more the balloon
could give you a shock.